First-generation Early Engagement Program

Sonoma State University

NASH Catalyst Fund Recipient

Purpose Statement

To increase the retention of first-generation college students and ultimately reduce time-to-degree, as a means of addressing the financial burden associated with a prolonged time in college.​

Sonoma State University hosts a substantial population of first-generation students, approximately 47%. Over the last several years, the University had made significant gains in closing the achievement gap between first- and continuing-generation students, with first-generation student retention rates surpassing those of their continuing generation counterparts in 2019. Beginning in 2020, however, first-generation retention rates began to fall and the achievement gap widened. In Fall 2023, Sonoma State piloted an early engagement intervention in an effort to increase the retention rate of first-generation students. The intervention comprised of an early alert system coupled with first-generation specific programming and support. The intervention has shown initial positive impacts for the retention rates of first-generation students in the pilot group. This proposal addresses the critical issue of removing cost as a barrier to higher education by increasing the retention of first-generation students and addressing the financial burden associated with prolonged time in college by ultimately reducing their time-to-degree. This intervention demonstrates a strong potential to be scaled at Sonoma State University, and could be easily replicated at other institutions.